Harijanto Setiawan Florist Workshop

Friday 8th September

2pm - 4.30pm

What's included?

Join Harijanto Setiawan in this 2.5-hour combination of lecture/ demonstration and hands-on workshop. Seating is very limited to ensure a quality experience. Flowers and materials are included in the cost of the class. Everything you make is yours to take home including lots of new ideas! Attendees will need to have a basic level of floristry experience to attend this hands-on experience. 

Harijanto Setiawan

An international event designer, florist, architect, entrepreneur and author Harijanto’s work is legendary, as is his generous spirit and kindness. Harijanto lives in Singapore where he has been ‘recognised’ by the Singaporean government for services to floristry and charity. He is a passionate designer who takes on amazing projects which would leave most designers trembling. He has a particular interest in the fusion between floral art and fashion and has worked with brands including Chanel, Dior and Hermes as well as being a consultant to some of the leading hotels in the world. Harijanto is also the author of two books, “Mystical Floral Journey” and  “WTF! What the Flowers”.