Ivan Bergh Florist Workshop

Saturday 9th September

10.45am - 1.15pm

What's included?
Join Ivan Bergh in this 2.5-hour combination of lecture/ demonstration and hands-on workshop. Seating is very limited to ensure a quality experience. Flowers and materials are included in the cost of the class. Everything you make is yours to take home including lots of new ideas! Attendees will need to have a basic level of floristry experience to attend this hands-on experience. 

Ivan Bergh

Ivan Bergh who lives and works in Pescara, Italy is a highly experienced florist who runs the Ivan Bergh Floral School. He studied with Peter Hess, Jean Marie Leeman and Runi Kristofersen and in 2001 began his collaboration with the European Antheneaum of Floral Art as a lecturer and international judge. He took part in seminars in Hungary, Germany, The Netherlands and Norway and has been a voracious competitor,  winning the Italian Championship. 


Ivan confesses that flowers are his passion. His parents grew them and clearly, he loves them!  He now has his own school where he teaches composition and shares with his students the need to be aware of what is coming.  He says, “As a florist it teaches one to experiment, to dare with new materials, new forms and to always have a creative approach. Flowers express our feelings, we dare to ‘voice’ our emotions with colours, shapes and materials and we can communicate everything we have…the love and passion…flowers.”